Approved Tree list

This is the list of the most common trees that most local nurseries sell several varieties of. For the most part you need a 2-inch caliber deciduous tree for placement and/or any pine/evergreen at least 6 feet tall are fine.
When planting a new tree, remove the old tree, then over dig the new hole at least 2 times the size of the tree ball. Then put in clean topsoil for the best result of your tree living. Any trees close to the sidewalk should be maintain/pruned as not to hang or interfere with pedestrian/bike riders on the sidewalk.
Most homes should have at least one tree (Depending on your phase) in the front yard. Check with District if unsure. Tree placed in yard does have some exemptions and this is approved by ACC only. Exemptions would be some Cul-de-sac’s lots due to radius, street light poles, utility pedestals, fire hydrants, Town site triangle and distance from driveway.

Approved Tree List

NOTE: large root systems on some species of trees, do not plant near fence, walk or driveway.
This list of trees is just a general list, several sub species of each tree are available; Local nurseries have found most of these trees seem to grow well in this area.

Consult your landscaper, arborist or local tree nursery on a tree that will work for you and the location of the tree placement.

Make note of minimum tree requirements in your yard for your area/phase of development. Trees in your yard should be at least 5 feet from sidewalks, driveways, property lines and fences.

Always call 811 for utility locates before any digging.

No advertising signs allowed in yards.

Updated: 11-28-2022